Take a moment to
think of a manager who brought out the best in
Then think of a manager
who disempowered you.
Look at what made
the difference.
You'll find it wasn't their technical skills or
their experience in the role.
The difference was in the
sort of person they were.
If you want to be
the sort of manager
who brings out the best in your staff,
you won't become that sort of a person
by spending years doing an M.B.A.
Nor will you do it by attending a few days or weeks
of management seminars.
But you can
literally change your life
and substantially improve
your leadership effectiveness
by doing One-on-One Leadership Development
work with the right person.

of our graduates
who wished to be promoted,
were promoted within 6 months
of completing their One-on-One Leadership
Development program.

The most critical factor that determines whether
an organisation fails or succeeds, is the quality
of leadership demonstrated by its senior
Corporate folklore is filled with stories of
companies and departments that were built from
nothing by their visionary founder; only to have
later faltered under mediocre management, and then
arisen from the ashes when a new manager took
Yet we forget that these successful managers
didn't become great leaders simply by luck. Most of
them had spent their lives developing themselves so
that they were the type of people who created (and
maintained) successful organisations, and who
consistently empowered their employees to be
What isn't widely known is that with a
facilitator who is highly skilled in both corporate
management development, as well as personal
development, it is possible in just 30 - 200 hours,
for any manager who is dedicated to improving
him/herself to dramatically improve his/her
leadership abilities, as well as the quality of
his/her personal life.
This is where our One-on-One Leadership training
gives you the cutting edge. While most people and
organisations who provide leadership development
services (including those providing MBA's),have no
idea of how to help people transform themselves;
our One-on-One Leadership training provides
managers with a program perfectly designed for them
and their company.
The subject matter, the depth explored, the way
we train, are all tailored specifically to the
person we're working with, to their personality,
and their map of reality (their conditioning,
belief systems, values and framework of
understanding). By working one-on-one, we are able
to "speak their language" and guide each manager in
a way that is perfect for them.
This results in marked improvements in all areas
of their life. And this is achieved in an
incredibly short time when compared to doing an
M.B.A. (or equivalent). And the whole program is
done in a very interesting, insightful and
enjoyable way.